Book 3: The Poodle Talent Show [Narrated e-Book]

Book 3: The Poodle Talent Show [Narrated e-Book]
Book 3: The Poodle Talent Show [Narrated e-Book]
Product Code: 003NE
Availability: In Stock
Price: $0.99
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  • Author: Toni Tuso Faber
  • Illustrator: Benton Rudd
  • Publisher: Mindstir Media (December 10, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • Format: e-Book (PDF), 13 pages

Description: The entire Poodle Talent Show book available as a digital download, complete with audio narration from the charming Amber Lee Connors.

Note: After purchase, this file become available for download when you log into your account and click the "Downloads" link under the heading "My Orders."

In order to hear the narration, you will need to open the book in an e-reader that supports the interactive PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader for Windows and Mac, and EZ PDF Reader for iOS and Android have been tested and proven to work.

Synopsis: When this lively pack of twelve poodle puppies realizes they will need to pick their new homes and new families, they resolve the problem with fun. What else but "The Poodle Talent Show!"

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